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I declare an emergency

It is the undeniable truth that we are facing an unprecedented climate and ecological emergency. We have to acknowledge where we are in order to move forward. This week I signed up to both Business Declares and Design Declares. Both organisations ask for an active role from those who join in pursuing Net Zero (and beyond to a truly regenerative economy).

If you’ve seen a bit about me you will know from the very inception of Thom Baker Consultancy has been about building a better, greener future. Joining these organisations along with my commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals further cements that ambition.

While there is gravity in the situation we find ourselves in. It’s not doom and gloom.

We have within our grasp the ability to set things right. By declaring an emergency we have optimism. The word has it’s roots in Latin – emergere mean arise, bring to light. Emerge shares that origin. I am optimistic we can emerge into the brighter future I hope for.

I have spoke to many people already who have similar hope, who are creating businesses and products that I feel can have real impact. Here’s the core of both declarations which I shall be working towards:

Business Declares

  1. Publicly declare there is a climate, ecological and social emergency and that you are joining Business Declares.
  2. Set a net zero target as close as possible to, or sooner than, 2030, covering Scope 1 & 2 to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
  3. Consider how to reduce Scope 3 impacts of your business, create and implement a strategy and plan for mitigating these, to achieve Scope 3 net zero as close as possible to 2030 and before 2050.
  4. Consider and implement a strategy for how your business will address the biodiversity/ecological crisis as part of its broader declaration and action.
  5. Create and implement a Climate Action Plan explaining what actions will be taken toward achieving net zero targets and biodiversity improvements.
  6. Support Business Declares’ advocacy efforts, by engaging with Business Declares’ network.

Design Declares

  1. Acknowledge and raise awareness of the climate and ecological crisis – including its roots in systems of oppression – in our organisations and our practice.
  2. Invest in educating ourselves and our teams on methods of sustainable and regenerative design, and show leadership by making measurable change to our practice. The Design Declares Toolkit is a great place to start.
  3. Meaningfully consider environmental and social impacts as part of every pitch, proposal and production process. Not every design output will be carbon neutral or fully climate friendly, but every project is an opportunity to make real progress.
  4. Measure the environmental and social impact of our work and design projects, and hold ourselves to account for what we find out.
  5. Encourage, recognise and reward sustainable and regenerative design excellence in our industry through media and awards.
  6. Build and foster intra- and cross-discipline knowledge networks to share tools, resources and best practice to accelerate progress in our industry.
  7. Create with and for the people who are disproportionately affected both by climate change and by the transition to a lower-carbon world.
  8. Enable systemic change by working alongside policymakers, campaigners, ecologists, scientists, activists and others to strengthen local and national movements for change.

If you want to start making a change, a good place to start is by recognising where you are. Join me in declaring a climate and ecological emergency today.

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